Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intramurals 2013

For me, we, the 8 graders, being the 2nd placers in the overall scoring of the Intramurals 2013 is a good place or rank. I know that we deserve being the 2nd placers because we strive, worked hard, and practiced well in preparation for the different sports to be played during the competition. We know that we may be facing good and more skillful players than us but we didn’t thought of it and just think positively about what might happen. We practiced to work as teams in different sports and work efficiently as groups. We did our best and focused playing. We obeyed the rules and regulations of every game and played fairly and honestly and by this; we got high in the rankings because I believe that “cheaters never win.” I think that the fourth years won first placers because maybe they worked and strive harder than us.  As long as we played fairly and enjoyed the games, we are already considered winners. I believe that because of these, we deserve to be the second placers for the Intramurals 2013.

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Most Admired Schoolmate


 My Most Admired Schoolmate
            My most admired schoolmate is also my classmate. He is Karl Adrian T. de Guzman. He is handsome and cute. He has a dimple in both of his cheeks. Many also of my classmates like him very much. I already know him when we were in Grade 7 but we were not so close.

            Many also of my classmates like him very much. I like him because he is funny and always say jokes even though it’s sell. I also like him because he always thinks that problems will just pass. He is not also problematic and he is always thinking positively. I also admire him because he is trustable and is a good friend despite his talkativeness. He is also sweet and lovely. I also admire him because he is thinking and concerned about his grades and is also good in playing computer games like DOTA.